
We think we have the best tasting expedition meals around. But don't take our word for it - see what others think of our food and look at some of the champions who have used our food.


Skied solo from the coastline of Antarctica to the South Pole in 42 days, becoming the seventh woman in history to complete the journey. 

Wendy Searle

“Expedition Foods have supplied meals for every expedition I’ve done so far. In the name of research, I’ve tried other brands but always come back to Expedition Foods. They make genuinely great-tasting food that is so welcome after a long day.

I took Expedition Foods’ breakfasts, main meals and puddings on my solo expedition to the South Pole, and their 1,000-calorie versions fuelled me for 42 days. They literally kept me alive! As well as this, I’ve always felt the team have been supportive and interested in what I’m doing, and are always looking to improve and learn. A brilliant organisation to work with.

I could honestly eat Expedition Foods Fish and Potato meal every day of my life and be happy!”


5th Place in the Namib Race and 4th place in the Gobi March.

Anim Swart

“Last year this time I was preparing for my first desert ultramarathon, the Namib Race. I went with the package [ration pack] of Expedition Foods for stage racing.  But, needing to find something a little more local and less expensive, I used other freeze-dried foods for the other deserts.
BIG Mistake, I almost felt like that scene in Pretty Woman with the clothing store. However, I am going to attempt the 4 Deserts Grand Slam Plus this year and will go back to Expedition Foods.”


Came second in the Marathon des Sables (Female).

Jo Meek

"My first stage race was the Marathon des Sables. I had trained hard for it and I didn't want to leave anything to chance, especially my energy, so I bought Expedition Foods evening meals to sustain me through the 5 days, 250km. It worked. They were easy to prepare and full of calories. The race was tough but I was well fuelled to push. I came 2nd female and 22nd overall.”


Atlantic Mavericks. Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2019 – Rowed the Atlantic as a team of four.

Roy Dixon

“I must thank you for the excellent service just before we transported the boat across. On the trip the Expedition Foods meals were a success with the Beef Stroganoff with Rice and Spaghetti Carbonara as real favourites. I would have no hesitation in recommending Expedition Foods to other rowers or any other adventurers.”


The first (and only) person to have traversed Antarctica twice using human power alone, has reached the South Pole three times from different coastal start points.

Lou Rudd

“The food was superb during the journey and definitely a key part of my ultimate success in completing the expedition. I never went hungry, that’s for sure. Whenever anyone asks me about the food during interviews, I direct them your way.”


Row Off the Wall. Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2019 – Sara became the oldest woman to row across any ocean when she rowed the 3,000 with her rowing partner Ann Prestidge.

Sarah Brewer

"I absolutely loved the Macaroni and Cheese - the trick is not to put too much water in as this takes away the welcome heat of the mustard, a real treat on cold nights - and the Mediterranean Vegetable Pasta was a delicious reminder of fresh spring vegetables back home.

Your porridge is also delicious and really sets you up for the day; my absolute favourites were with the added sultanas and the Hot Cereal with Mango. Yummy!"

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